Volleyball Court Lighting

Sample Volleyball Court Lighting Project

Volleyball is an exceedingly popular sport. While playing during the day is fun, night games bring a new dimension to the game play. Owners of volleyball courts know that having the playing field well lit increases the amount of use it gets; thus growing its profitability. Volleyball court lighting helps you get the maximum amount of use from your court, and everything that you need to install your lighting can be found at Residential Landscape Lighting and Design.

Volleyball Court Light FixtureBefore you install your lighting for the volleyball court, you will need to take several assessments. First, take give yourself an honest appraisal of your electrical capabilities. Unless you are a professional, it is best to contract an electrician to mount and set up your volleyball court lighting or accessories. To determine your lighting needs, you will have to measure the size of your court. Standard volleyball courts are 60 feet by 30 feet, and there is typically ten feet of out of bounds space around all the sides. This means that you will need to acquire enough lighting materials for a 50′ by 80′ space. The safety of both the spectators and the players depends upon having the proper lighting for the volleyball court.   Care must be taken to prevent glare that may impede the game by blinding participants.

Volleyball Court Lights Photometric If you are adept to set up your volleyball court lighting yourself, feel free to make your selection from us. Do not fear, though, if you find yourself stumped, expert advice is just a click away. Be aware, though, that our general advice might not apply to your situation. Be realistic when you are engaged in the installation of your illuminations. In general, our expert recommends for a standard recreational lighting of a volleyball court that you use an Arena Lighting Kit #2 (400watt). He specifies that you should use one double lighting kit per side centered on the net as high as possible. These sports lighting equipment need to be mounted on wooden poles or trees. If these are not available, you can still find wood pole mounts and accessories for your volleyball court lighting. For lighting choices, you could use high pressure sodium lights which give off a yellowish hue. This is good for repelling insects. If you want something that is a truer white light, you could choose metal halide lights. If you are unsure, it is always best to ask an expert.

Some people will need much closer guidance in their installation of volleyball court lighting. If this applies to you, you can always consult with our experts by contacting us if you have any further questions. Since not every volleyball court is the same, you lighting needs will differ slightly. It is very difficult to give general recommendations that might not apply to your situation. For more specific advice call or ask our experts. Our professionals can work with you and guide you in the equipment and procedure that you need to install your lighting for the a volleyball court.

Thank you for inquiring with LED Spot about your volleyball court lighting needs. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help.