Sports & Athletic Field Lighting

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Getting sports lighting right makes all the difference, no matter the venue. Whether it’s an arena, tennis court, golf course, driving range, baseball or softball field, indoor pool, gymnasium, outdoor pool, playground, paddock, or a horse arena, all athletic facilities have specific aspects to consider and needs to meet. basketball court lighting system

Sports lighting is something every facility operator and owner must take seriously. Not only is proper lighting crucial for success—it can make the difference between empty fields and a popular destination—but it’s also a key ingredient for the most important element of all: safety.


Arenas come in a variety of shapes and sizes but are usually enclosed and oval-like in shape. Whether hosting concerts or sporting events, lighting arenas is unique in that these facilities include significant space dedicated to specific activities.

With audience seating, usually consisting of rows of seats surrounding the central performance area, it’s important to have the proper lighting for people to maneuver safely during the performance or game.

While arenas may be inside or outside and their construction may vary, they all require significant lighting when conditions are dark. As a result, many arenas feature high-powered flood lights to maintain safety and visibility for athletes and audience members alike.

 Tennis Courts

Tennis Court LightingTennis is an exciting sport to watch. Tennis courts require athletes to move quickly and react immediately and with precision. As fast-moving objects are a key element of the sport, special sports lighting considerations must be made. A popular solution for tennis courts comes in the form of well-placed area lights, particularly for outdoor facilities.

Golf Courses and Driving Ranges

While the phrase golf course inevitably invokes images of a well-manicured lawn with a bit of water and sand here and there, the reality is that golf courses can dramatically differ from one another. In turn, so do their lighting needs. What they all have in common is that they are outdoors and must not be too bright or obtrusive (particularly when residential areas are nearby), yet they must also provide the coverage that golfers expect.

There are a variety of creative sports lighting solutions appropriate for golf courses, many of which involve specialty approaches. The situation is similar with driving ranges, which may also vary but have similar requirements to golf courses.

Baseball and Softball Fields

Baseball and softball fields dot the American landscape. Known commonly as America’s Favorite Pastime, baseball fields are as much for the players of the game as they are for spectators. As the days grow shorter during the late season, it’s important to keep the fields brightly lit and safe for both the teams and the audiences alike.

Indoor Pools and Gymnasiums

Indoor pools and gymnasiums require particular approaches to sports lighting. These indoor spaces pose particular dangers when lighting isn’t spot-on, and systems must also be able to regularly withstand a warm and wet environment.

However, these spaces also provide a lot of opportunities for aesthetically pleasing display setups that not only draw people in but provide functional solutions specific to indoor spaces.

Outdoor Pools and Playgrounds

Outdoor pools and playgrounds face similar challenges to their indoor counterparts, yet they feature some important additional aspects to consider. For one, outdoor pools and playgrounds generally do not have the benefits of walls or ceilings, nor are they climate controlled. This means sports lighting systems constructed outdoors must be able to withstand the elements while also placing a particular focus on safety.

Paddocks and Equestrians Horse Arena Lighting

Paddocks and equestrian facilities are constructed around the love of horses, and as with every other instance on this list, approaches to these facilities will vary by their individual construction. Safety is always first and foremost, and the proper lighting in this instance will need to be done with consideration of the animals, while still effectively lighting the arena, training areas, stables and more.

Pickleball Courts

Pickleball is becoming more popular than ever, and whether it’s a community court or in a backyard, effective pickleball court lighting means the game can continue even after the sun sets. Lighting the court properly keeps players and spectators safe.