Outdoor Sign Lighting

Over the years, the preferred method of outdoor sign lighting has been neon. Although still a viable resource, advances in technology have created new affordable and energy efficient alternatives. Although there are additional ways of illuminating building markers that do not have an internal light system, outdoor sign lighting fixtures are some of the more popular alternatives. LED or light emitting diodes and fiber optics are beginning to replace traditional Neon. Freestanding fixtures that highlight your signage are another popular alternative These options offer benefits, as well as draw backs, so the right outdoor sign light for your building will depend on the effect you want to achieve and the product that will be illuminated.Facade Lighting Fixtures

Gooseneck Sign Light Neon has been around for ages. It offers brilliant illumination that can be seen, regardless of the amount of ambient light projected onto it. Neon is considered an art form, rather than just a fixture for outdoor sign lighting. This type of light can be molded into a multitude of shapes and is less expensive that fiber optics. LED lights offer the same brightness as neon, when you use the red spectrum, but are cheaper to purchase and operate. In addition, they use lower voltage than traditional neon, so LED lights can be used in a multitude of arenas. LED performs much better in cold temperatures, making it suitable to harsh winter climates.
Sign Lighting Fixture There are some outdoor sign lighting scenarios, where neon, LED, or fiber optics are not appropriate. For these situations, you should consider a light that will provide lighting that will highlight outdoor sign through a series of fixtures. These devices provide a soft even glow that illuminates signage that is either at ground level or very large. This is a very cost effective way of achieving results without spending copious amounts of money on neon or fiber optics. Lights in this category are mounted either directly to the signage or into the ground. The effect is similar to landscape fixtures. As you can imagine the look is a bit more sophisticated and refined than neon, LED lights, or fiber optics.
LED Spot offers an excellent selection of outdoor sign fixtures. They specialize in devices that accentuate your landscape without detracting from it. Their inventory of gooseneck products are created to provide sophisticated outdoor sign lighting. This selection of lights can be used in conjunction with your properties décor to provide subtle up down lighting. In addition to gooseneck Ground Sign Light products, LEDSpot has florescent fixtures that work well in areas, where you don’t want the illumination device to be seen. The lights are available in several styles and a variety of colors, so you can find the product that works best with your buildings architecture, as well as the surrounding landscape.
When determining which option you should use for your outdoor sign lighting requirements, it is important to examine all of the facts. Neon, LED, and fiber optics all have their proper place in the world, but the selection is not limited to these devices. Although they offer individual benefits, some scenarios require a more subtle approach. The most important thing is to research all of the alternatives prior to making a purchase, and then determine the most appropriate solution for your requirement. LEDSpot has experts available to help you find the right outdoor sign lighting for you. Outdoor sign lighting is an important way to advertise your business. The challenge is finding a compromise between eye catching and appealing.