LED Lighting

LED Lighting Is The Lighting Of The Future!

LED Lighting For Parking Lots According to the 2016 Global LED Lighting Market Trends Report by LEDinside, LED lighting, otherwise known as light emitting diodes, was projected to grow from $25.7 billion in 2015 to $30.5 billion in 2016. Meaning the growth of this style of light would climb 5% in just one year. With this kind of growth and popularity, it is safe to say that LEDs have certainly changed the lighting industry for the better. Thanks primarily to its many benefits over traditional lights.

Long Lasting

By far the most impressive benefit of using LEDs is the incredible life span of the bulbs. Impressive may be an understatement, as certain styles of light emitting diodes can run for up to 100,000 hours without ever needing replacement. This means that home or business owners could use their LEDs constantly for eight hours a day every day for 20 years and still never need to replace the bulbs. As opposed to burning out like traditional bulbs, diode bulbs simply lose a bit of their brightness over time.

Energy Efficient

LED Spot Light LED lighting
also towers above traditional light bulbs in terms of energy efficiency. LEDs run at an amazing 80% of energy efficiency. To put this in perspective, this means that when operating, LEDs use 80% of the energy from their power source for light and only 20% is given off as heat. Whereas in traditional light bulbs, it is the complete opposite. Standard bulbs only use 20% of the total energy provided to them for light. The other 80% is the heat one feels when hovering their hand near a lit bulb. This high level of energy efficiency is a major contributor to LEDs long lifespan and little need for maintenance.

Design Options

We all know the traditional shape of the light bulb. While advancements in light bulb shapes have happened over the years, including the introduction of fluorescent lights, for the most part they provide little flexibility in terms of designing fixtures. LED bulbs on the other hand are very small and can be assembled into nearly any shape or design. This means bright, beautiful light can be used in very small places, such as recessed lighting, or used in larger places like bollards. In addition, LED lighting can be dimmed to certain levels to create the perfect mood for any location.


Another great benefit of LED lighting is their high level of safety. They do not get hot to the touch, making them safe for public places and homes with pets or children. They also release no UV emissions and little infrared light. This means they do not cause any UV or heat damage to homes or businesses. Their strength and stability also allows them to operate in very hot or extremely cold temperatures.

Low Voltage

Lastly, LEDs can be powered by low-voltage power sources. This means that they are the ideal choice for solar powering. This makes them great choices for homes or businesses that are off the beaten path or simply for those who prefer to be ecofriendly.

Despite its many benefits, there are still times when traditional lighting can be superior to LED. In homes where cost is an issue, know that LED lighting will be a much more expensive investment. While they will ultimately pay for themselves in electric costs, it is understandable that some families prefer to save on initial costs. Before investing in LEDs, it’s important to check existing lamps and fixtures. LEDs need to have a place for the heat they produce to dissipate into the air. If one is looking to put an LED light bulb into a partially or fully enclosed fixture, it is best to get LEDs designed specifically for that purpose or to choose traditional lights. However one chooses to use LEDs in their home or business, they are a great technological advancement for the industry, offering many benefits and gorgeous ambiance to any space.