Parks and Other Outdoor Recreational Areas
A park or garden after sunset can be a beautiful location, provided it is tasteful and well-lit. This can be accomplished in a number of ways, but there should always be a focus on illuminating paths, sitting areas, rest locations, and any other place that will see use during the evening and night hours.
One very effective and elegant solution is the use of acorn style pole lighting. This option provides a classic feel of yesteryear and the grand parks of the golden age of architecture. Acorn poles are ideal for illumination of both pedestrian paths and park or building entrances, combining beauty with effective lighting.
Parking Areas
In a parking area, safety after dark is paramount. A well-lit lot not only provides a feeling of safety, but promotes tangible security as well. The opportunity for vandalism and other crime is greatly curtailed in well-lit areas. However, parking area lighting is all too often stark and industrial looking, but this does not have to be the case.
A hook mount pole can bring both style and practicality to a parking lot. Both customers and employees will enjoy the security and elegance that such lighting provides. Additionally, these lights are attractive to both drivers and pedestrians, resulting in increased exposure for a business.
Lighting for Businesses
A business’s outdoor lighting presents a first impression to the public. Is the illumination efficient and effective? Is it attractive and tasteful? Does it project an image of prosperity and security? These are all points to consider when choosing outdoor light sources. Gooseneck lights are one solution. They provide both style and light that can be directing, drawing the eye to signage or entrances.
Similarly, indoor decorative lighting says a lot about a company as well. It should be classy and welcoming. A good way to achieve this is through the use of wall sconces. With many styles available, wall sconces can provide a balance between a homey, comfortable feel and a professional business environment. Their use in Fortune 500 banks, law firms, and design studios is a testament to this.