Types of Outdoor LED Lighting

Types of Outdoor LED Lighting

Outdoor LED Lighting For Any Application

Outdoor LED lighting is quickly replacing legacy lighting technologies in a variety of exterior applications.

The reason for this is that modern LED lighting products lead the way in energy efficiency, but they offer much more, including:

  • Extended reliability and durability
  • Longevity
  • High quality performance
  • Reduced maintenance
  • Advanced controllability

These benefits are especially valuable in outdoor applications, where lamp replacement and maintenance can be a challenge.

Another advantage of LED lighting technology is versatility. Current generation LED lamps can be integrated into any type of landscape or exterior fixture. That means property owners can transition to LED lighting without overhauling their existing system.

Ten Types of Outdoor LED Lighting

The following outdoor LED fixtures can provide an ideal lighting solution for any outdoor application:

Bullet lights

Bullet lights are used in landscape lighting applications where directionality is necessary. They are ideal for exterior signage, facades and interesting landscape features, as they can be aimed with precision. Bullet fixtures are weather-resistant and dust-sealed for maximum durability and reliability.


Bollard lights are installed inside bollard posts (which stand 3-8 feet high) and are often found in parking lots, parks, playgrounds and walkways. LED bollards are designed for an aesthetic fit in any setting, including contemporary, modern and geometric options.

Flood and spot lights

LED flood lights are also used in landscape applications, where they are most effective for illuminating facades, hedges and large trees. LED flood lights are a top choice for security applications and crime deterrence.

Pendant (hanging) lights

Pendant lights are suspended from ceilings and are therefore a good option for porches, balconies and aesthetically-focused settings. They’re also available in a large variety of styles to ensure a perfect fit.

In-ground lights

In-ground fixtures emphasize discreteness, as these fixtures are invisible once installed. They are typically used in uplighting applications, where they are effective for illuminating trees, greenery scenes and exterior facades. Like all exterior LED lights, in-ground LEDs are sealed against water and weather for maximum durability.

Path lights

Path lights sit low to the ground – most are less than two feet tall – and are used to illuminate paths, walkways and gardens. Path lights are often used in both commercial and residential applications, as they improve curb appeal and safety simultaneously. Like with bollards, there are many path fixture styles to choose from to ensure an ideal aesthetic fit.

Rope lights

Rope lights are a durable form of indirect outdoor lighting, so the fixtures remain hidden during operation. They are typically found on residential properties where they are installed around patios, along walkways and in architectural coves. Rope lights are available in several colors and are protected with a PVC housing that keeps the bulbs safe from water.

Step and deck lights

LED step and deck lights are mounted to and integrated into exterior steps and decks. They can be affixed to wood, brick or metal and blend in, with a variety of faceplates and color temperatures to choose from. They also reduce tripping hazards and improve pedestrian safety, so they are also useful in commercial applications.

Underwater lights

LED underwater lights can be installed in ponds and fountains, so they work equally well in residential gardens and commercial water features. Underwater LED fixtures are cast from brass, with high impact acrylic optics and a watertight bushing for excellent protection from water intrusion.

BBQ lights

BBQ lights are gooseneck fixtures that hang over a grilling area and provide precise, high quality LED illumination during night-time barbecuing. BBQ lights are built with stainless steel, so they’re resistant to weather and corrosion, and they can be wired directly into a transformer or breaker box.

Four Advantages of Outdoor LED Lighting

LED lights are well-suited for outdoor applications for the following reasons:

  1. LEDs last much longer than other types of lighting – LED lighting has a longer lifespan than any other lighting technology on the market. LEDs are improving in this area all the time, but the typical diode fixture already provides at least 50,000 hours of reliable illumination before replacement is recommended. Lighting manufacturers use the concept of lumen maintenance to determine when a lamp has reached the end of its useful life. Specifically, when a light has lost about 30 percent of its overall lumen output, it is no longer considered viable. As mentioned, LED lighting reaches this point around the 50,000 hour mark. Fluorescent fixtures reach their end of life around 20,000 hours, and metal halides may not make it to 10,000 hours. It is also important to note that both of these lighting technologies are being discontinued. This extended lifespan factors into LED’s overall cost efficiency, but it’s also a major convenience advantage for outdoor applications. The longer the light lasts, the less often it will need to be replaced.
  2. Outdoor LED lights provide high-output, high quality illumination – The initial concerns with LED lighting were performance related, but these concerns have disappeared with improving diode engineering. Today’s LED lights are capable of extremely high lumen counts, excellent color rendering and reliable light metering within tight tolerances. These are major advantages for security-focused and safety-focused lighting applications, such as parking lot, street and walkway settings. LED’s excellent lighting quality is also important for sports fields, courts and arenas, where the light needs to be sharp enough to track high-speed objects.
  3. Outdoor LED lights can be paired with advanced lighting controls – LED lighting systems are compatible with all widely used lighting controls, including photocells, timers, occupancy controls and dimmers. This controllability advantage can enhance energy efficiency or safety further, as your LED lights will only be on when they are needed. This has obvious security applications, but it can also improve an outdoor space’s utility, as the system won’t need to be powered around the clock to ensure adequate lighting levels. For example, LED lighting used for walkways can be configured to brighten up when people are nearby, and dim down when no one is present. The same approach can be used with all types of landscape lighting, as well as street lighting, canopy fixtures and parking garages.
  4. Outdoor LED lighting consumes less energy – LED lighting is the most energy efficient option on the market – an advantage that’s been apparent since the technology’s introduction. This advantage has widened with time, as improved optics and photometric analysis can fully leverage LED’s directional nature. Now, LED lighting systems can be precisely designed to maximize the amount of usable illumination with as few fixtures as possible. The result is greatly reduced energy consumption and lower maintenance/replacement costs – a one-two cost-saving punch that accelerates the system’s return on investment (ROI).

Trust Outdoor LED Lighting Professionals for Design and Installation

LEDs provide the long-lasting durability, reliability, performance and efficiency that is expected from outdoor lighting systems. However, there are still questions to answer before installing your LED lights.

Do you have the right fixtures selected for your project? Do you know where they will be placed? Do you know how to safely install your lighting fixtures?

Lighting professionals are experts in outdoor LED lighting, from planning to installation. If your exterior lighting project is overseen by an expert lighting team, they will be able to:

  • Optimize your lighting system’s energy efficiency
  • Select and source the best fixtures for your project
  • Select and source the best lighting controls and components for your project
  • Identify optimal fixture placement to enhance efficiency and performance
  • Install all fixtures, lamps and lighting system components
  • Configure the system to meet your lighting needs
  • Provide ongoing maintenance and lamp replacement

In short, by working with a reputable lighting expert, you will accelerate the ROI on your outdoor LED lighting and ensure a clean, professional look.

The Positive Impacts of Switching to LED Lighting

The Positive Impacts of Switching to LED Lighting

LED lights are becoming the frontline choice in an array of residential, commercial, and industrial lighting applications. LED’s march towards lighting domination has been ongoing for a couple of decades, but the benefits are now impossible for most companies to ignore. Better energy efficiency, reduced maintenance, greater productivity, excellent controllability, and better safety are all advantages associated with LEDs. We’ll take a closer look at each and how they add up to major impact.

Energy Efficiency: LED Lighting Offers Unmatched Energy Savings

LED bulbs make much better use of input electricity, with about 95 percent of received energy converted to light. That’s a massive jump from older lighting technologies, which generate considerable waste in the form of heat.

Each LED bulb is powered by a sophisticated semiconductor die that converts electricity to light at the atomic level. This is a far more precise way of turning energy into light, and the results are impressive.

Compared to fluorescent tubes, LED lights are up to 80 percent more efficient. LED technology has a similar advantage over metal halide lamps. The same is true of halogen, incandescent, compact fluorescent, high pressure sodium, and any other lighting option.

LED’s efficiency (along with its low maintenance nature) allows companies to quickly recoup their investment through reduced operating costs. That’s one advantage of LED. Another efficiency-related advantage is LED’s compliance with efficiency regulations – which are getting tougher all the time. These efficiency regulations have essentially removed incandescent and some fluorescent fixtures from the market, and the process will likely continue.

Though the future of lighting is always in development, it’s likely that LEDs will be the last light standing once federal and state governments are done passing efficiency regulations. For organizations that must be future-minded, this trend is an important one to pay attention to.

Longevity: LED Technology Lasts Longer Than Other Lights

LED lighting boasts the longest lifespan among all lighting products. On average, an LED fixture will provide around 50,000 hours of reliable performance – the longest life available among lighting options. That mark is around the baseline, too, as LED’s lifespan can range up to 100,000 hours in some cases.

It depends on the LED’s quality, which is why it’s important for companies to work with a reputable lighting supplier.

This extended lifespan greatly improves the technology’s ROI, as fewer replacement bulbs are needed to keep the system up and running. Even better, LED fixtures require minimal maintenance throughout their life, so businesses get the best of both worlds – longer life and less maintenance. With LEDs, companies can reduce their maintenance costs and minimize any maintenance-related disruption to their facilities.

Productivity: LED Lighting Provides Excellent Illumination Quality

When companies measure employee productivity, the facility’s lighting is often left out of the equation, but it shouldn’t be. Quality illumination is correlated with better visibility and, by extension, better productivity.

This is true in most common work settings. In warehouses, for example, adequate visibility is necessary for workers to quickly locate the right aisles and products. In manufacturing facilities, adequate visibility is necessary for quality control purposes. In office buildings, high quality lighting helps employees stay on task for longer without losing focus.

It’s a well-known fact that fluorescent lights, for instance, generate a greenish cast that people find undesirable. Worse, fluorescent tubes can trigger headaches – therefore sapping an employee’s productivity.

LED lighting, by contrast, emits full-spectrum illumination that mimics the color output of natural sunlight. Research is limited in this area, but early studies show that people respond well to spaces fitted with LED illumination. The result, on average, is a modest productivity boost that can add up in a big way if there are hundreds of employees inside the building. This is yet another way that LED technology can help organizations save money and quickly realize a return on their lighting investment.

Controllability: LED Lighting Can Be Paired with a Variety of Lighting Controls

As the modern lighting solution, LED lights are compatible with almost all modern lighting controls. And with smart use of lighting controls, businesses can ramp up their system’s efficiency and reliability further.

Timers, photocells, and occupancy sensors are all examples of this concept at work. Each one is designed to switch off lights when they are not in use, and to ensure they are on and running when they’re most needed – when workers are in the building. By strategically powering the lights on and off, facility owners can wring a bit more efficiency and longevity out of their LEDs.

It doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing approach, either. Dimmers, for example, allow for precise control over each lamp’s brightness, so when there is ample natural light or when workers aren’t in the area, dimmers can reduce output. When workers are in the space, the lights can be brought back up in intensity. In all, LED’s compatibility with lighting controls adds up to longer lasting, more reliable fixtures.

Safety: LED Lighting Emits Less Heat and Contains No Toxic Mercury

LED lighting emits little heat and therefore isn’t a burn risk to anyone coming in contact with the fixture. LED’s low-heat design also places less of a burden on HVAC systems and makes for a more comfortable work environment.

LEDs also contain zero mercury, so if they rupture or just need to be replaced, there’s no need to separate LED lights into a specialized waste stream. Expired LEDs can be safely sent out through the company’s general waste stream – a hassle and money saver.

That’s not the case with fluorescent tubes, which contain mercury and therefore represent a health hazard if they need to be disposed of. By transitioning from fluorescent to LED lighting, companies can streamline their disposal methods and protect worker health.

The Positive Impacts of LED Lighting are Compelling

Ultimately, businesses keep an eye on their bottom line when considering upgrades or changes to their facilities. That includes lighting upgrades, and LED lighting makes a compelling case for itself. With superior energy efficiency, reliability, quality, controllability and safety, there’s a long list of reasons why businesses have decided on what lighting experts already know – that LED technology is the most promising lighting solution going forward.

What are the Different Types of LED Lights Available

What are the Different Types of LED Lights Available

LED technology is taking over the lighting industry. There are many reasons why, including LED’s versatility. LED fixtures have been adapted for numerous applications, and this engineering evolution is still in progress.

In fact, there’s an LED light for nearly every use and setting. Residential, commercial, industrial, decorative, indoor, outdoor – LED bulbs can be used everywhere. Here, we’ll take a look at the wide world of LED fixtures, and the role they play in each application.

Outdoor LED Commercial Lighting: Parking Lot, Wall Pack, Security and Sign Fixtures

In exterior commercial applications, LEDs are prized for their energy efficiency and excellent brightness. LED light bulbs generate high quality output that renders color well and distributes lumens evenly. This makes the technology an excellent choice for the following applications:

  • Parking lot lighting – LED parking lot fixtures offer excellent visibility at night and at long ranges – perfect for improving safety. Another big advantage: LED lighting is directional, so it can be distributed and aimed with precision. In fact, these lamps are available in several distribution patterns, so lighting designers can optimize ground-level lumens without any light trespass.Parking lot LEDs are available in several color temperature options, including warm, cool, and neutral white.
  • Wall pack fixtures – Wall pack LEDs function like other wall pack fixtures in that they’re mounted to the exterior facade of buildings, parking garages and other structures. From their elevated position, wall packs can provide an extra layer of illumination for general visibility purposes. However, they excel in security lighting applications. In this role, wall pack fixtures can be tied to occupancy sensors (motion or IR) and primed to illuminate when someone walks nearby. That’s ideal for general, safety, and security applications, especially if surveillance cameras are programmed to engage automatically when the security lights flash on.
  • Sign fixtures – LED lighting is an effective display option, too, and can be used to illuminate signage at night. Gooseneck fixtures, for example, are highly adjustable and have an eye-catching bend that stands out. LED gooseneck fixtures are mounted close to the target sign and fitted with an LED that distributes illumination like a spotlight. The result is bright, sharp and attention-getting.

Outdoor Venue Lighting: Sportslighters and Decorative Pole Fixtures

LED technology can be scaled up for the largest venues in existence, including professional sports stadiums, rodeo arenas, tennis courts and municipal parks.

LEDs can be integrated into the oversized displays you’ll see at professional sports venues. Most of them are LED video walls, which offer superior resolution and color richness, compared to Jumbotrons. Some large-scale displays are made with direct view LED panels, like microtiles. These direct view panels can be scaled up to nearly any degree, can be shaped or curved, and are easier to maintain.

In smaller venues, like neighborhood tennis courts, skate parks and the like, pole-mounted LED lights are a reliable choice. Quality lighting poles are made from galvanized steel, coated to protect against corrosion and available in several shapes, sizes and heights. With their design versatility, LED light poles can be adapted for any area.

For lighting park paths and neighborhoods, decorative poles and post top fixtures are a popular choice. LED posts are shorter than standard lighting poles and are ornamentally designed.

Landscape Lighting: Bullets, Floods, Bollards and Path Fixtures

LED bulbs have also been adapted for landscaping applications. Effective in residential and commercial settings, LED landscape lighting is available in several fixture designs. They include:

  • Bullet fixturesBullet fixtures function like spotlights in a landscaping setting. They fire a tight beam of illumination that’s ideal for lighting trees and building facades. Bullets are also easy to conceal, especially when they’re mounted on the ground close to the intended target.
  • Flood fixtures – Floods are the opposite of bullets. They cast a wide, short-distance beam that fills an area with bright light. Floods are ideal for illuminating a backyard and extending the home’s functional space at night. They’re also effective for illuminating entire building facades and other points of interest outside, like a garden or fountain.
  • Path fixtures – Path fixtures sit low to the ground – usually under 18 inches – and softly illuminate any adjacent path. They’re helpful for visually pointing out where walkable paths and landscaping are located. LED path fixtures are reliable, can run on low voltage (for better safety), and can be attached to photocells or timers for maximum efficiency. They’re also available in a huge number of designs, so they can be aesthetically matched to any property.
  • Bollards – Bollard lighting is named after the bollards you’d see at a dock or in a parking lot. They look like simple posts, ranging in height from a couple of feet to eight feet high. They serve the same function as path lighting, but are more appropriate for larger properties, given their larger size and visual impact.

Indoor Commercial Lighting: Bays and Linear Lighting Fixtures

For interior commercial applications, LED’s efficiency, low maintenance, and controllable design make it a cost saver for facilities.

When department stores, warehouses, manufacturing facilities and industrial facilities upgrade their lighting, they often do so with LED bays or linear fixtures. Bay lighting is either mounted to the ceiling or suspended from it, and it provides high-output general illumination for large interior spaces. LEDs have been adapted for both high and low bays, so they can be mounted to ceilings ranging from 12 to 45 feet. LEDs have also been adapted for linear (rectangular) and UFO (circular) fixtures. UFOs are more common, but linear bays are highly effective for illuminating long, narrow spaces like warehouse aisles.

LED linear lighting fixtures are also popular options in commercial applications, including office and retail applications. Linear LEDs are frequently used to replace fluorescent tubes, where they can provide more efficient and better-quality lighting.

LED Lighting is Available in Nearly Every Form and Fixture

LED lighting offers a long list of advantages, including design flexibility. It can be incorporated into almost every lighting application possible and scaled up or down as needed for any setting.

LED lighting technology has come a long way in a short time. A decade ago, only the most plugged-in industry experts could have seen the rapid rise of LED fixtures. Now, the technology is poised to become the number one choice for every lighting application.

Fly Your Flag Through the Night With Flagpole Lighting

Fly Your Flag At Night With Flagpole Lighting

Nearly a century ago, the flag code (the U.S. government’s guide to displaying Old Glory) was amended to account for people who wanted to display the flag at night. In the past, the flag was only intended for display from sunrise to sunset, but the new code specified that people could display it at all times as long as the appropriate flagpole lighting was in place.

That’s the trick, though, finding the right lighting for the job. Fortunately, there are fixtures and lamps that make flagpole lighting easy.

How are Flags Properly Displayed with Lighting?

The typical residential flagpole is about 20 feet high, though some homeowners prefer a 25-foot pole if they’re living in a two-story home. This extended height poses a challenge to lighting installers, especially because the flag is mounted at the top of the pole. This means downlighting cannot be installed at the top to illuminate the flag. Instead, well-positioned uplights are required. In nearly every case, you’ll need two lights to allow for complete flag coverage, as this prevents pole shadows from interfering with the display.

There are three primary considerations when lighting a flag, including:

  • Lighting angle – The taller the flagpole, the wider the beam angle. For shorter, 15-foot poles, a tight beam angle is ideal (20 degree spread or less). For 20 and 25-foot poles, a wider beam spread is necessary. This could be anywhere from 30 to 60 degrees, depending on the fixture you’re working with.
  • Lighting intensity – The taller the flagpole, the brighter the fixture. A lot of lumens are lost from fixture to flag, which is why you’ll need high-output fixtures for proper display. For a 15-foot pole, fixtures that output around 2,000 lumens may be sufficient. You’ll need to crank the lumen count higher for 20-foot poles (about 7,500 lumens) and 25-foot poles (anywhere from 10,000 to 25,000 lumens).
  • Color rendering – Color rendering refers to a lamp’s ability to accurately present colors. A light’s color rendering capabilities are measured on the color rendering index (CRI). High CRI lamps are recommended for flag lighting, as this will ensure the best look.

Flagpole Lighting Requires a Ring Mount for Proper Operation

Flagpole Ring Mount A special mount is needed for flagpole lighting. With standard lighting poles, the fixtures are mounted to the top of the pole, but this clearly isn’t an option with flagpoles. Instead, lighting installers will use a ring mount that attaches to the pole and provides a spot for lamp placement.

Our flagpole mounting ring is available in 12V and 120V varieties, depending on whether you’re using line or low voltage fixtures. It’s constructed from aluminum or brass and can fit flagpoles that are 5” in diameter. Brass mounting rings are available in an acid rust finish or no finish at all. Aluminum rings are available with a black or bronze textured powder coat, which protects the fixtures from corrosion.

Flagpole mounts are extremely easy to install and require only a screwdriver to place.

Our Landscape Lights are an Ideal Fit for Flag Lighting Applications

Once the mount is placed, the lights are ready for installation. In this instance, the best option for flag lighting is a set of directional fixtures. Bullet fixtures are one such option.

Why directional fixtures? Bullet and spot fixtures produce a tighter beam spread that is ideal for targeting objects further away from the light. In this way, directional fixtures act like a stage spotlight – they frame the target with a sharp beam of illumination.

We provide a wide variety of LED bullet and spot fixtures ideal for flagpole lighting applications.

What are the Advantages of Using LED Lighting for Flagpoles?

LED lighting is preferred over other legacy lighting technologies because it comes with a few added advantages. They include:

  • Better energy efficiency – LED lighting is the most efficient lighting available, so if you prefer displaying your flag through the night, you can do so without spiking your utility bills.
  • Minimal maintenance – LED lighting is maintenance-efficient because once it’s installed, it requires almost zero maintenance to continue functioning optimally. On average, an LED flagpole light will provide upwards of 50,000 hours of quality performance before replacement is required. That’s several years’ worth of immaculate lighting.
  • Excellent lighting quality – It depends on the lamp, of course, but well-made LED lighting can emit thousands of lumens with superior clarity.

LED lighting is the first choice for flagpole lighting (and many other modern lighting applications), but should you go with solar-powered lighting or wired landscape lighting?

We recommend sticking with wired over solar lighting for a few reasons, including:

  • Wired lighting is brighter than solar lighting – Wired lighting is brighter and more consistent than solar lighting. Solar lighting output is greatly affected by the sun’s availability, so it’s more difficult to get the same quality look night after night with solar.
  • Solar lighting can be affected by weather or nearby obstructions – Clouds are a big problem for solar lighting and will affect how long or how bright the fixtures emit. Weather isn’t the only issue, though. Solar lighting installed near walls or landscaping may also be affected by shadows, so precise placement is needed.
  • Solar lighting must be replaced more often – Solar lighting comes with additional components, including the solar panels and batteries for power storage. More components mean more potential failure points, and that means more frequent replacement.

With LED Flagpole Lighting, Your Flag Will Look its Best, Day or Night

Flags are a beacon, and when properly lit, they can be a beacon in the night. To create that effect, though, you’ll need the right fixtures and lamps. Fixtures and lamps like our pole mount and directional LED lighting. With them, you can proudly display the Stars and Stripes (or any other flag), day or night.

How To Light A Pickleball Court

How To Light A Pickleball Court

So you’ve decided to dive into the fast-paced, hard-nosed world of pickleball. Well, maybe not hard-nosed, but definitely fast-paced.

Throw tennis, table tennis and badminton in a blender and what you get is a pickleball smoothie. The court has the same general shape and size of a tennis or badminton court, the paddles are similar to what you would use in ping pong (only larger) and the rules are borrowed from several different racquet sports. You can throw whiffleball in there, too, because a pickleball ball has the same weight and hole-filled design.

This hodge-podge of ingredients make for a game that’s quick and easy to learn, but also a little tough to play at night. Like with most sports, the speed is frequently cranked up with pickleball. And when it is, like during a volley, it’s impossible to keep up unless there’s sufficient lighting.

But just because the sun is down doesn’t mean you have to put the paddle down. With quality pickleball court lighting, optimal visibility can be maintained on your pickleball courts.

What Is The General Approach To Lighting A Pickleball Court?

When lighting any sports arena or field, the goal is to get as much of that light down to the field’s level as possible. That’s the goal, but what’s the process?

Whether it’s a pickleball court or a pickle farm, lighting experts use photometric analysis to model the area and determine how light moves through it. Photometric analysis technology is visually sophisticated stuff, allowing designers to see how a set of lights would work before they’re installed. To do that, the designer builds a 3D model of the space and drops fixtures in various spots. Each light is tagged with fixture-specific information, so it emits exactly the same virtually as it would in reality.

USA Pickleball – The sports leading advocate and maintainer of pickleball standards states that the optimal court lighting solution hews to the following standards:

  • Lighting poles should be between 20 and 26 feet high.
  • Lighting poles can be square, round straight or round tapered.
  • Medium or large zone lighting, depending on whether the court is for recreational or professional purposes.
  • Luminaires are arranged so they result in minimal glare.

LED Spot’s court lighting options take these standards into account.

What Does A Pickleball Court Lighting System Include?

LED Spot has performed photometric analysis for our pickleball court clients, and based on our analysis, this is how we put together our pickleball lighting kits:

  • Four lighting poles, each 20 feet high and designed for 20-foot lighting mounts. Our lighting poles are built with 10-gauge steel and a 4-inch diameter, so they’re beefy and can take a lot of punishment. This is handy for players that get a little animated when the pickleball doesn’t fall their way.
  • Four medium zone LED lights, designed to operate at a 4000K color temperature and capable of emitting a large amount of lumens. More than 26,000, to be exact. The fixtures are mounted at a 20-foot height to take advantage of this expanded lumen output. As for the color temperature, 4000K is a neutral choice that will not affect color perception, which is important for safety reasons. For professional courts, USA Pickleball recommends 5000K fixtures, but 4000K is more appropriate for residential and recreational settings.

During installation, each pole is placed outside the play surface, well beyond the sidelines. They’re organized in a square-like formation, each covering one of the court’s quadrants. It’s exactly what you would think if you were trying to light a rectangle.

The LEDs themselves emit in an offset pattern, so they can sit away from the court while still aiming their illumination at the play area. Extra bonus – our pickleball lights do not emit at viewable angles from the court. In other words, your lights won’t blind the player and leave them exposed to getting pickled by the ball.

LED Lights Are The Best Choice For Pickleball Players Of All Levels

So far, there’s been no mention of any other type of light other than LED lighting. There’s a reason for that. LED fixtures have become the first choice for most sports lighting applications, including lighting solutions installed at the professional level.

But even if you’re just installing lights for a neighborhood court, LEDs are still the best available option. Here’s why:

  • LEDs are energy efficient – LED lighting is the most energy efficient lighting there is. That’s been LED’s calling card since it was introduced decades ago, and it’s still the case. LED lighting needs a lot less energy to generate the same number of lumens as older lighting technologies. That adds up to energy savings – savings that can be pretty significant when considering a large-scale lighting system like court lighting.
  • LEDs require practically zero maintenance – LEDs are tough. Unlike filament or gas chamber-powered lamps, LED lamps don’t run on flimsy engineering. They don’t generate a ton of extra heat, either, which reduces wear on the light.
    Put it all together and you’ve got a fixture that you don’t have to think about once it’s installed. You’ll get years of effective lighting with minimal maintenance, which is about as good as it gets for property owners.
  • LEDs produce crystal clear illumination – LED lighting just looks good, too. One of the most important factors for sports lighting is whether the fixtures generate high-clarity lighting. LEDs do just that because they emit illumination evenly and with precision. Another perk – LEDs typically come with high color rendering index (CRI) ratings. High CRI lighting renders color without altering their tones, so color accuracy if you will. Strong color rendering isn’t just good for the players, it’s helpful for any spectators tracking the action.

Does Pickleball All Day And Night Sound Good? We Have The Lights You’ll Need To Do That

Pickleball is a mass-appeal sport, attracting people of all ages and fitness levels. So it’s no surprise that there is a growing number of pickleball fanatics honing their gaming skills at all times – including in the middle of the night.

If that sounds like you or someone you know, LED Spot can help you unlock your pickleball potential with nighttime court lighting. Our court lighting products have been implemented in a variety of athletic venues, from parks to stadiums, so we know how to bring light to the pickleball arena for effective play day or night.

Golf After Sunset With Backyard Putting Green Lights

Golf After Sunset With Backyard Putting Green Lights

You’ve spent good money and plenty of time crafting the perfect backyard putting green, but can you use it once the sun goes down? If the answer isn’t yes, it’s time to consider backyard putting green lights. A putting green light provides crisp, inviting illumination for you, your friends and your guests to play by. There’s no better way to entertain on those warm summer nights.

Three Ways To Light Up Your Backyard Putting Green

You have a few options when lighting your backyard putting green. The design that will work best for your space mostly comes down to personal preference and aesthetics.

The most popular outdoor putting green lighting solutions include:

LED Down Lighting and Landscape Lighting

Down lighting and general landscape lighting can brighten up an entire backyard – not just your putting green. Down lights are called such because they emit downwards, so they can be installed along the perimeter of your home or even placed in a tree. With additional height to work with, a down fixture can emit across a larger area and provide maximum visibility.

Landscape lighting can also provide an impressive level of general illumination and can be integrated into your yard’s most impressive landscape features. Wherever you place them, LED landscape lights will bring out your backyard’s beauty, making your nighttime golfing a peaceful experience for everyone. With landscape lighting fixtures you can illuminate adjoining gardens, a patio, an outdoor kitchen, a fire pit, a bar top, or even a pool deck.

If younger family members frequently use the putting green, down and landscape lighting are ideal for additional safety (and for finding any golf balls that are hit off the green).

LED Path Lights

If you’d prefer to contain your outdoor lights to the green, LED path lights are an effective option. Each path light is mounted only a couple feet off the ground and emits a tight pool of illumination directly onto the green.

Path lighting isn’t intended for general illumination purposes and isn’t going to light up an entire yard. However, what it will do is produce plenty of attractive illumination for your putting green. This lighting washes over a smaller area, produces minimal shadows and is easier to control. The effect is clean and modern.

Even better, path lighting products come in a variety of designs, so you can match the perfect fixture aesthetic to your yard. Some even have a built-in holder for a drink or golf ball.

LED Cup Lighting

If you’re looking for a truly minimalist lighting solution, LED cup fixtures provide a look you won’t find anywhere else. With an LED cup fixture the lamp is installed directly below the hole and aimed up. The effect is a vertical column of illumination that fires into the air.

Cup fixtures can be fitted with one of several colored lenses, so you can customize your light’s appearance. The effect is one of high contrast, as each cup is brightly illuminated against its darker surroundings. Pair your cup lights with a transparent flag, and it’ll be even easier to see the cup from a distance.

Every cup fixture consists of a low-voltage LED lamp (4 or 6-watt), a high-impact convex glass lens, a GU5.3 bi-pin socket, a PVC sleeve for mounting and an unfinished brass housing. These components work together to ensure your cup lighting system is protected from water and weather, while still emitting excellent quality illumination.

Four Reasons Why Golfers Choose LED Outdoor Lighting For Their Backyard Putting Greens

LED lighting is rapidly outclassing and replacing older forms of lighting, such as halogen, fluorescent and high-intensity discharge lamps. As a result, you’ll see LED fixtures everywhere these days. Whether inside a bedside lamp or blanketing a massive parking lot, there are several reasons why LED lighting is the first choice for many applications, including putting green applications.

Four of those reasons include:

  1. Excellent operating efficiency – No other form of lighting is as efficient as LEDs. Compared to halogen, LED lighting is more than 10 times as efficient. Compared to fluorescent, LED lighting is about twice as efficient. Those are big energy savings that mean a lower operating cost. Though LED lighting comes with a slightly higher price, LEDs make up for this with their enhanced efficiency.
  2. Extended lifespan – In addition to their efficiency, LED fixtures last much longer than other lighting technologies before replacement is required. The typical LED lamp will perform for 50,000 hours before failure is likely. Compare this to halogen (2,000 hours) and fluorescent (10,000 hours), and it’s clear that LED has a big maintenance advantage.
  3. Superior lighting quality – LED lighting quality is excellent, capable of rendering color well and evenly emitting light. Due to the way they’re engineered, LED fixtures emit directionally as well. You can aim them exactly where they’re needed and suffer no efficiency losses.
  4. Better safety – LED fixtures are shatterproof, produce little radiant heat and contain no toxic substances like mercury. That makes them a safe option for residential and outdoor settings.

LED Spot Has Everything You Need To Keep The Game Going At Night

LED Spot has helped avid golfers of every skill level set up their backyard putting green lighting. We have the LED fixtures, bulbs and accessories to start your project, along with expert advice and skill to help see the project to completion. If you’re looking to order lighting for your outdoor putting green or just want to explore your options, give the LED Spot team a call and we’ll make your golf lighting project a reality.