How Does LED Lighting Combat Light Pollution?

How Does LED Lighting Combat Light Pollution

Humans and animals are adapted for dark nights. Our circadian rhythms – the daily biological cycles that govern our biological clocks – are dependent on those dark nights, and lighting pollution threatens them. Lighting pollution refers to excessive amounts of night-time illumination, often resulting in “skyglow.” That’s the orangish haze that blankets urban areas at night and creates elevated lighting conditions around the clock.

Health and lighting experts agree that lighting pollution is a problem, but LED lighting technology suggests that the problem is solvable.

What Are the Risks of Excessive Light Pollution?

The American Medical Association (AMA) has considered lighting pollution and believes it should be minimized when possible for better human health. The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) of North America, one of the industry’s largest associations, agrees with the AMA’s assessment.

Light pollution can cause melatonin levels to drop in people, and lower levels of melatonin are associated with several health problems. They include:

● Sleep deprivation and poor-quality sleep
● Increased stress and anxiety
● Fatigue
● Headaches

Medical researchers are concerned that there could be long-term effects associated with low melatonin levels, but it’s too early to know for sure.

What’s important is that the AMA and IES agree that lighting pollution and trespass should be minimized when possible. One way to do this is with LED lighting. Some current generation fixtures are designed with light pollution-limiting features that can make for a darker night sky.

LED Fixtures Can be Engineered with Full-Cutoff Capabilities

Older street lighting systems feature non-cutoff or semi-cutoff fixtures that do a poor job of limiting light pollution. A major cause of skyglow is the uplighting that street and parking lot fixtures emit. If allowed to radiate in all directions, high-output lights generate a considerable uplight effect.

To prevent this, fixture manufacturers have created cutoff and full cutoff options designed to work with LED lighting solutions. Full cutoff fixtures can go a long way in reducing light trespassing. These fixtures provide 100 percent shielding at angles 90 degrees and above relative to the light’s nadir and 90 percent shielding in the 80 to 90-degree zone.

Fixture shielding works especially well with LED lamps because LED lighting is directional by nature. It doesn’t radiate in all directions like most other lights. Instead, it emits in a tighter spread that can be easily aimed. Even when LED lamps are shielded, they can generate high levels of output where needed most – at ground level.

Minimal Glare is also Possible with Modern LED Fixture Designs

Another significant cause of light pollution is glare. It doesn’t play a major role in skyglow, but glare is uncomfortable for people and animals. It also reflects off of surfaces, so it can trespass in unpredictable ways.

LED fixtures also offer a solution here. Some LED streetlights are built with advanced optics that act as diffusers, spreading the illumination out evenly instead of creating intense bands of light.

LED technology is ideal for this approach because LED light sources are made up of many tiny diodes. Each diode is fitted with a primary optic that orients each diode’s light in the right direction. A secondary optic fitted over the lamp diffuses this evenly distributed illumination, eliminating glare in the process.

LEDs are Available in Warmer, More Comfortable Color Temperatures

When LEDs were first adopted by cities for use in streetlights, it quickly became clear that people prefer warmer illumination at night. This was especially true in neighborhoods. Cooler color temperatures – blue light, in particular – boost attention and alertness. While this is nice during the day, at night it’s less welcome.

In the past, high pressure sodium lamps were responsible for delivering this warm illumination that people prefer. High pressure sodium bulbs, though, create low quality light that is terrible at rendering colors. That has a negative effect on long-range visibility and, therefore, safety.

When first introduced, LED lighting came in a limited variety of color temperatures, most of them on the cool side of the spectrum. Now, LED lighting is available in a full range of color temperatures, including warmer tones that people find more comfortable.

Pairing LED Lights with Modern Lighting Controls Helps Manage Output Levels

One of LED’s standout advantages is its controllability. LED lights are compatible with all modern lighting controls, giving cities and property owners better management over their lighting system.

In fact, LED streetlights are at the forefront of the smart lighting control movement. Cities around the world are experimenting with networked LED lighting systems, as these allow for centralized control at the utility. With networked controls, utilities can manage an entire system’s worth of lights at the fixture level. If the fixtures are integrated with dimmers, utilities can reduce output and light pollution in a specific area of the city. Neighborhoods are an obvious choice for this approach.

Smart controls can also use data picked up by integrated sensors to dim up or down. For example, when motion or IR sensors pick up a nearby motorist or pedestrian, the light can automatically come up in output. When no one is nearby, the light dims back down.

This isn’t just effective for light pollution. It also promotes much better energy efficiency and can reduce loads on the city’s grid.

Light pollution is a problem, but LED technology offers solutions

Night-time lighting has extended our species’ capabilities well after the sun goes down, which is great for productivity. It isn’t great for our health, though, but the lighting industry is quickly developing solutions. Many of those solutions are most effective when paired with LED lighting technology. With their superior engineering and controllability, LEDs can be adapted for a range of light pollution-limiting initiatives.

When are Fluorescent Lights Being Discontinued?

When are Fluorescent Lights Being Discontinued

For years, local, state, and national governments have placed additional regulations on the lighting industry and its products. This process continues pace, and while in the past these regulations were aimed at incandescent and halogen lamps, now fluorescent lighting is in the crosshairs.

For nearly a century, fluorescent light bulbs were the undisputed leaders in energy efficiency. This was true when CFLs were introduced in 1976, and it was still true when LED lighting was just being introduced by manufacturers.

That’s no longer the case, though. Modern LED fixtures have passed fluorescents in terms of energy efficiency, along with safety, maintenance costs and lighting quality. With these facts in mind, some governments are limiting, or outright banning, the manufacturing of some fluorescent lamps.

What Types of Fluorescent Lighting are Being Targeted for Discontinuation?

At the national level, the Department of Energy (DOE) is responsible for lighting regulations. In 2009, it announced a phaseout of T12 fluorescent tubes. According to the DOE, after July 14, 2012, T12 fluorescent tubes could no longer be manufactured, though manufacturers could exhaust their existing material stock to manufacture T12s before discontinuing them permanently.

However, there were some exceptions to the rules. Major manufacturers like Phillips were given an extension on the ban, but the DOE’s objective has been met. As soon as the DOE’s intention to ban T12s was clear, production plummeted. If your facilities rely on T12 fluorescents, you’ve likely had difficulty sourcing lamps or T12-related accessories, like ballasts.

A notable exception in the DOE’s regulation was high-CRI fluorescent lighting, specifically lamps with a CRI rating of 87 or higher. This exception buoyed the production of T12s for a while, but several states have already passed their own laws banning the sale or manufacturing of high-CRI linear fluorescent lighting. This essentially bans all T12s from those states, which include:

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Hawaii
  • Maine
  • Maryland (effective January 1, 2024)
  • Massachusetts (sales may continue until January 2023)
  • Nevada (effective January 1, 2024)
  • New Jersey (effective January 18, 2023)
  • Oregon (effective January 1, 2023)
  • Vermont
  • Washington (effective January 1, 2023)

Some T8 tubes are also considered high-CRI lamps and would therefore fall under these bans as well.

Why are States and National Governments Considering a Ban on Some Fluorescent Tubes?

Fluorescent tubes are available in a variety of sizes, denoted by the number following the “T.” The largest among them, by diameter, is the T12. T12 tubes are 1.5 inches in diameter, and their larger size means they must rely on electromagnetic induction to generate light. This is inherently less energy efficient (T12s require about 40 watts per hour to operate) than the more sophisticated circuitry built into T8s and T5s. A typical T8 tube, for example, requires between 25 and 30 watts an hour to run.

The DOE’s T12 phaseout was predicated on the T12’s poor energy efficiency, but there are other reasons why there is momentum behind a T12 ban. For example:

  • Lower quality illumination – Lamps aren’t generally phased out because they lag in output quality, but because T12s do produce lower quality illumination than T8s or T5s, this is one less defense for the fixture.
  • Contains higher amounts of mercury – A T12 lamp contains between 20 and 25 milligrams of mercury, which is much higher than newer fluorescent bulbs. Proper fluorescent tube recycling can prevent some of this mercury from reaching landfills, but only a small percentage of fluorescents are recycled.
    Fluorescent’s mercury content is relevant because mercury is an extremely toxic substance to contact or ingest. In developed countries like the U.S., a large amount of polluting mercury is a result of improper fluorescent tube disposal.
  • Must be replaced more often – Compounding the above issue is the fact that T12s must be replaced more often than other types of fluorescent fixtures. More frequent replacement means more opportunities for mercury to escape into the environment. More frequent replacement means higher costs over time.
    More efficient alternatives, including smaller fluorescent tubes, are also lower maintenance options.

What Lighting Alternatives are Available for Consumers and Companies?

The fluorescent phaseout is underway and will likely continue as long as even more efficient alternatives like LEDs gain market momentum. While T8 and T5 tubes aren’t targeted by the DOE’s 2009 Act, some T8s are already limited by high-CRI linear fluorescent lighting bans.

Facility operators and lighting experts can see which way the industry is headed. LED lighting has come a long way since it was introduced decades ago, and it’s quickly being adapted for a variety of lighting applications. LED lamps and bulbs offer several benefits compared to older lighting technologies, including:

  • Unsurpassed energy efficiency – Quality LED T8s require about half of the wattage that a fluorescent T8 needs. As lighting regulations tighten further, LED’s efficiency advantage may become more and more relevant.
  • Longer life – An LED tube lasts a lot longer than a comparable fluorescent tube. The typical LED tube is rated for about 50,000 hours of quality performance while a fluorescent T8 will only function for about 15,000 hours. With their extended lifespan, LED fixtures don’t need to be replaced or disposed of as often.
  • No mercury content – LED bulbs do contain a tiny amount of arsenic and some heavy metals, but the amount is so low that LEDs are not considered toxic by regulators. They don’t have to be disposed of in a particular way, as a result.
    Most importantly, LEDs contain zero mercury. Their environmental impact is greatly reduced as a result.

Modernize Your System with High Quality LED Lighting

In just the last couple decades, focused phaseouts of several older lighting technologies have changed the way the industry operates. With incandescent, halogen, and now fluorescent lights quickly becoming history, lighting manufacturers, facility managers, and even residential consumers are making the switch to LED lighting.

Many home and business owners are choosing LED retrofit kits to replace their existing fluorescent lighting. These kits bypass existing ballasts and snap in LED linear strips so that the fixture will be completely LED. This is a great economical solution, saving on kilowatts and requiring little maintenance.

If you’re considering the same for your property, work with a company that has a comprehensive selection of LED lighting products available, including LED retrofit options that can be quickly installed with your existing lighting infrastructure. Not only is LED lighting the energy efficient choice, it’s also quickly becoming a convenient one as well.

What Fixtures Are Used For Lighting A Warehouse?

What Fixtures Are Used For Lighting A Warehouse

Warehouses are a challenge to light due to their size and because of the activity inside. Warehouses are busy places where workers are frequently engaged in high-risk tasks. To ensure they can do their jobs safely, you’ll need a high-output lighting system that renders color well and provides even coverage.

LED fixtures can provide that and more. As a result, you’re likely to see LED lights more often in warehouses these days. They’re quickly replacing high intensity discharge (HID) fixtures for several reasons.

High Bay And Low Bay Fixtures Are The Choice For Lighting A Warehouse

Most warehouses feature extremely high ceilings, ranging up to 40 feet or more. In spaces like these, where verticality is the defining feature, high and low bay fixtures are the standard.

In the lighting industry, the word “bay” refers to illuminating a large space. That means they’re designed for a large area like a warehouse.

There’s only a couple of differences between low and high bay fixtures. They are:

  • Mounting height – Low bay fixtures are intended for ceilings between 12 and 20 feet high. High bay fixtures can be mounted to ceilings between 20 and 45 feet high.
  • Output volume – Low bay fixtures don’t output as much light as high bay fixtures, given their shorter throw distance. Because of this, low bay fixtures consume a lower amount of power than high bays.

You’ve got plenty of flexibility in mounting bays. They can be mounted directly to the ceiling or suspended at varying heights. This gives facility managers layout flexibility when setting up the bays.

There are also bay lights sealed against water and solid intrusion. They’re ideal for warehouses where high dust and humidity levels are common, and feature IP65 ratings or better. Further, bay fixtures come with anti-glare features that improve comfort and visibility at ground level.

Bay Fixtures Are Available In Linear Or UFO Designs

The other major difference between bay designs is shape. Bay lighting products are available in linear or UFO designs, and both are common options for warehouse applications. Here’s a quick look at each:

  • Linear bays – Linear lighting is rectangular shaped and therefore suited for illuminating aisles, reception, and dispatch areas.
  • UFO bays – UFO bays are called such because they look like little round flying saucers. Because of their circular shape, UFO bays emit in a circular pattern. This is an effective choice for general lighting purposes or for loading bay areas.

The Problems With HID Lighting

HID lighting was the warehouse lighting technology of choice for a long time. HID bulbs output a lot of illumination, making them one of the best options for lighting outdoor areas or a large indoor space.

However, this high output comes at a cost. Specifically, high energy costs. HID fixtures like metal halides and high-pressure sodium lamps require a lot of power to function. At the source, metal halides aren’t too bad, though they’re still behind LED light bulbs in source efficiency.

It’s at the system level where metal halides waste a lot of electricity. That’s because of how a metal halide fixture emits light. Metal halides emit omnidirectionally, so a lot of their output never reaches the floor level where it’s needed most. They emit a lot of light, but much of it never reaches the intended target. Reflectors can mitigate this to some extent, but they’re heavy, expensive, and still not as effective as LED fixtures.

HID lighting tends to degrade quickly, too, and you can expect the typical metal halide to fail around 10,000 hours. Many will need to be replaced early because metal halides tend to decline in color rendering or output as they age.

Four Reasons Why LED Lighting Is Ideal For Illuminating Warehouses

LED is quickly emerging as the first choice in warehouse and bay lighting. LEDs come with several advantages over other lighting technologies, four of them including:

  1. Better energy efficiency – No other form of lighting offers the energy efficiency that LED does. LED fixtures have the best watt-to-lumen ratios on the market, and because they emit directionally by design, LEDs are able to get more of their illumination to workers below.
    Even compared to efficient technology like fluorescent lighting, LED excels. It’s common to find an LED equivalent to a fluorescent tube that requires half the wattage.
    Further, LED lighting emits extremely low amounts of heat and won’t stress your HVAC systems in the process. That way, your energy costs are minimized further.
  2. Extended lifespan and low maintenance design – Maintenance is one of the most important factors to consider when installing warehouse lighting. When warehouse lamps fail, you’ll need special equipment (like a bucket truck) and expertise to replace them.
    Compared to other forms of lighting, LED fixtures require the least amount of maintenance. It’s common for LED lights to go years without a single issue. They also last far longer than other fixtures. The typical LED bay will provide upwards of 50,000 hours of quality illumination. Metal halides (which are quickly becoming obsolete) only provide 10,000 hours, and even fluorescent tubes are only rated for half as long as the average LED light.
  3. High quality output and color rendering – LED lighting technology has come a long way since it was introduced decades ago. The biggest gains have come in lighting quality, to the point where LED fixtures emit light that is comparable or superior to HID and halogen.
    LED lighting is extremely bright and makes for an ideal overhead source. It’s even as well, with no dim or dark spots, and no shadows resulting from fixture design. It’s also available in range of color temperatures, including neutral hues in the 4000K to 6000K range.
    Further, LED warehouse lighting is available with high CRI-ratings, so it represents colors very well. That’s important for safety and productivity reasons.
  4. Excellent controllability – Nearly every lighting control in existence is built for use with LED lighting. Attach dimmers to the bays to adjust output exactly where it’s needed, balancing brightness and energy usage. Pair timers or occupancy controls with your bays, and they’ll only switch on when needed.
    There are LED drivers that can facilitate instant start as well, which is valuable for facilities where time is money. That includes warehouses.

LED Spot Is Your Warehouse Lighting Source

If you’re overseeing a warehouse lighting project, you’ve probably got questions about what type of lighting to choose. The LED Spot team can help with those questions and help with everything else regarding your warehouse lighting project. We carry a deep inventory of lighting, including many types of LED warehouse lighting.

Whether you’re updating an existing system or preparing a system for new construction, we’re the experts to call.

Fly Your Flag Through the Night With Flagpole Lighting

Fly Your Flag At Night With Flagpole Lighting

Nearly a century ago, the flag code (the U.S. government’s guide to displaying Old Glory) was amended to account for people who wanted to display the flag at night. In the past, the flag was only intended for display from sunrise to sunset, but the new code specified that people could display it at all times as long as the appropriate flagpole lighting was in place.

That’s the trick, though, finding the right lighting for the job. Fortunately, there are fixtures and lamps that make flagpole lighting easy.

How are Flags Properly Displayed with Lighting?

The typical residential flagpole is about 20 feet high, though some homeowners prefer a 25-foot pole if they’re living in a two-story home. This extended height poses a challenge to lighting installers, especially because the flag is mounted at the top of the pole. This means downlighting cannot be installed at the top to illuminate the flag. Instead, well-positioned uplights are required. In nearly every case, you’ll need two lights to allow for complete flag coverage, as this prevents pole shadows from interfering with the display.

There are three primary considerations when lighting a flag, including:

  • Lighting angle – The taller the flagpole, the wider the beam angle. For shorter, 15-foot poles, a tight beam angle is ideal (20 degree spread or less). For 20 and 25-foot poles, a wider beam spread is necessary. This could be anywhere from 30 to 60 degrees, depending on the fixture you’re working with.
  • Lighting intensity – The taller the flagpole, the brighter the fixture. A lot of lumens are lost from fixture to flag, which is why you’ll need high-output fixtures for proper display. For a 15-foot pole, fixtures that output around 2,000 lumens may be sufficient. You’ll need to crank the lumen count higher for 20-foot poles (about 7,500 lumens) and 25-foot poles (anywhere from 10,000 to 25,000 lumens).
  • Color rendering – Color rendering refers to a lamp’s ability to accurately present colors. A light’s color rendering capabilities are measured on the color rendering index (CRI). High CRI lamps are recommended for flag lighting, as this will ensure the best look.

Flagpole Lighting Requires a Ring Mount for Proper Operation

Flagpole Ring Mount A special mount is needed for flagpole lighting. With standard lighting poles, the fixtures are mounted to the top of the pole, but this clearly isn’t an option with flagpoles. Instead, lighting installers will use a ring mount that attaches to the pole and provides a spot for lamp placement.

Our flagpole mounting ring is available in 12V and 120V varieties, depending on whether you’re using line or low voltage fixtures. It’s constructed from aluminum or brass and can fit flagpoles that are 5” in diameter. Brass mounting rings are available in an acid rust finish or no finish at all. Aluminum rings are available with a black or bronze textured powder coat, which protects the fixtures from corrosion.

Flagpole mounts are extremely easy to install and require only a screwdriver to place.

Our Landscape Lights are an Ideal Fit for Flag Lighting Applications

Once the mount is placed, the lights are ready for installation. In this instance, the best option for flag lighting is a set of directional fixtures. Bullet fixtures are one such option.

Why directional fixtures? Bullet and spot fixtures produce a tighter beam spread that is ideal for targeting objects further away from the light. In this way, directional fixtures act like a stage spotlight – they frame the target with a sharp beam of illumination.

We provide a wide variety of LED bullet and spot fixtures ideal for flagpole lighting applications.

What are the Advantages of Using LED Lighting for Flagpoles?

LED lighting is preferred over other legacy lighting technologies because it comes with a few added advantages. They include:

  • Better energy efficiency – LED lighting is the most efficient lighting available, so if you prefer displaying your flag through the night, you can do so without spiking your utility bills.
  • Minimal maintenance – LED lighting is maintenance-efficient because once it’s installed, it requires almost zero maintenance to continue functioning optimally. On average, an LED flagpole light will provide upwards of 50,000 hours of quality performance before replacement is required. That’s several years’ worth of immaculate lighting.
  • Excellent lighting quality – It depends on the lamp, of course, but well-made LED lighting can emit thousands of lumens with superior clarity.

LED lighting is the first choice for flagpole lighting (and many other modern lighting applications), but should you go with solar-powered lighting or wired landscape lighting?

We recommend sticking with wired over solar lighting for a few reasons, including:

  • Wired lighting is brighter than solar lighting – Wired lighting is brighter and more consistent than solar lighting. Solar lighting output is greatly affected by the sun’s availability, so it’s more difficult to get the same quality look night after night with solar.
  • Solar lighting can be affected by weather or nearby obstructions – Clouds are a big problem for solar lighting and will affect how long or how bright the fixtures emit. Weather isn’t the only issue, though. Solar lighting installed near walls or landscaping may also be affected by shadows, so precise placement is needed.
  • Solar lighting must be replaced more often – Solar lighting comes with additional components, including the solar panels and batteries for power storage. More components mean more potential failure points, and that means more frequent replacement.

With LED Flagpole Lighting, Your Flag Will Look its Best, Day or Night

Flags are a beacon, and when properly lit, they can be a beacon in the night. To create that effect, though, you’ll need the right fixtures and lamps. Fixtures and lamps like our pole mount and directional LED lighting. With them, you can proudly display the Stars and Stripes (or any other flag), day or night.

Exterior LED Wall Packs Provide Better Safety, Security and Visibility

Exterior LED Wall Packs Provide Better Safety, Security and Visibility

Exterior LED wall packs are a simple, cost-effective way to enhance outdoor light quality. Outside, they’re everywhere. If the goal is to boost outdoor illumination around the building for pedestrians and vehicles, LED wall packs are the fixture of choice.

LED wall packs have been around for a while, so they’ve been powered by different lighting technologies over the decades. High intensity discharge (HID) lamps and mercury vapor lights were the standard for a long time, but they’re quickly being replaced by LEDs.

Where Is Wall Pack Lighting Usually Installed?

There are many applications for wall pack lights, though you’ll usually see them in outdoor areas. Here’s where they fit best:

  • Building facades and exteriors – You’ll most often see wall pack lights hanging from a building. From this position, LED wall packs are in a perfect position to illuminate pedestrian walkways below. Wall pack lighting can also be used to illuminate features of interest, like a sign or a store window.
  • Parking lots and garages – Security is a major need for parking lot and garage owners. To meet this need, many opt for wall pack lighting. Wall pack LED fixtures can be mounted to garage overhangs or nearby buildings to provide a large amount of high-quality illumination.
  • Warehouses – Wall packs can be installed inside or outside a warehouse. Outside, LED wall packs can be used to illuminate entrances and loading dock areas, where they provide additional visibility for workers and help with security.
  • Industrial and commercial campuses – If you have a large area to account for, like a sprawling work campus, wall pack lighting can provide a bright layer of general illumination on walkways.

LED wall packs are an extremely versatile lighting solution, as they can be adapted for nearly any location and remain effective.

Five Reasons Why LED Lighting Is The Best Option For An Outdoor Wall Pack

LED lighting is quickly becoming the industry’s frontrunner and replacing older forms of lighting in a multitude of applications. Wall pack lighting is one example, as LED technology is a good fit. Here are five reasons why:

  1. Superior energy efficiency – LED light bulbs are the most efficient on the market, outclassing all other fixtures. Lighting efficiency is measured using a lumen-to-watt ratio. The more lumens per watt created, the more output you’re getting per unit of energy.
    LEDs have a lumen-per-watt ratio between 75 and 110. Metal halides emit 75 to 100 lumens per watt, and mercury vapor fixtures between 35 and 65 lumens per watt. LED’s efficiency advantage is even greater when considering system efficiency, and not just source efficiency. Because LED fixtures emit directionally instead of radiating in all directions, most of their illumination can be aimed where it’s needed – at the ground. This gives LED a major system efficiency advantage over metal halide fixtures.
    With excellent energy efficiency, LED lighting can be powered around the clock at a reduced operating cost. Eventually, lower operating costs more than make up for the slightly higher price of LED fixtures.
  2. High quality output – In the past, LED lighting was unable to compete with the quality of HID illumination, but that’s no longer the case. Now LEDs generate extremely high-quality lighting that is brilliant and evenly cast.
    Enhanced visibility also enhances feelings of safety. That’s important if your business relies on foot traffic. Potential customers aren’t going to shop at a business that’s poorly lit – and that’s just not a problem with LEDs.
    Also, some LED lights are designed to render color with excellent accuracy. These high-CRI fixtures improve visibility further by displaying colors in their true hues.
  3. Unmatched lifespan and reliability – LED wall lights last much longer than other wall lighting fixtures. On average, an LED wall pack will provide 50,000 or more hours of excellent quality illumination. Compare this to metal halides, which provide about 10,000 hours before failure.
    With fewer replacements needed, you’ll get more value from your LED lighting investment.
  4. Better durability and safety – LED fixtures are built on solid state circuitry instead of glass bulbs, metal filaments, or pressurized gas chambers. As a product of modern engineering, LEDs are built with durability in mind, and can take the occasional bump without issue.
    They’re also shatter resistant and contain no toxic chemicals, like mercury. This means if they do break, they won’t become a health or environmental hazard.
  5. Extensive controllability – With solid state circuitry underpinning their functions, LEDs are compatible with a wide range of lighting controls and accessories. For example, installing a photocell on your LED lighting will automate on/off switching based on the level of ambient light. Timers use pre-programmed times to automate on/off switching while occupancy controls trigger when someone walks by.

A Couple Features To Look For In Your Outdoor LED Wall Pack

Outdoor LED wall packs are built for rugged outdoor use, and to ensure that they can handle the elements, look for the following:

  • IP rating – Electronics, including light fixtures, are given an IP rating based on their resistance to water and dust intrusion. This rating is expressed as a pair of numbers, from zero to seven. The higher the number, the better the protection, and ideally, the wall pack lighting you pick will have an IP rating that’s strong enough to protect from rain and wind-blown dust. Anything with an IP rating of 65 or above is sufficient for outdoor use.
  • Aluminum housing – Aluminum is corrosion-resistant and handles exposure to rain and heat well. As such, it’s a popular option for exterior wall pack lighting, especially in areas with high airborne salt content. That’s why you’ll find aluminum fixtures along the coast and in locations of high humidity.
  • Polycarbonate refractor lens – A polycarbonate lens will not shatter even if the entire fixture falls from its mount to the ground below. They are also resistant to impact, so polycarbonate is the right choice for wall pack fixtures that are close enough for people to reach.

LED outdoor wall packs come in a huge variety of designs and specifications. As such, you’ve got a lot of options, and it can be a challenge matching the right design to your application. With so many types of LED wall packs to choose from, consider working with a knowledgeable lighting expert.

How To Light A Pickleball Court

How To Light A Pickleball Court

So you’ve decided to dive into the fast-paced, hard-nosed world of pickleball. Well, maybe not hard-nosed, but definitely fast-paced.

Throw tennis, table tennis and badminton in a blender and what you get is a pickleball smoothie. The court has the same general shape and size of a tennis or badminton court, the paddles are similar to what you would use in ping pong (only larger) and the rules are borrowed from several different racquet sports. You can throw whiffleball in there, too, because a pickleball ball has the same weight and hole-filled design.

This hodge-podge of ingredients make for a game that’s quick and easy to learn, but also a little tough to play at night. Like with most sports, the speed is frequently cranked up with pickleball. And when it is, like during a volley, it’s impossible to keep up unless there’s sufficient lighting.

But just because the sun is down doesn’t mean you have to put the paddle down. With quality pickleball court lighting, optimal visibility can be maintained on your pickleball courts.

What Is The General Approach To Lighting A Pickleball Court?

When lighting any sports arena or field, the goal is to get as much of that light down to the field’s level as possible. That’s the goal, but what’s the process?

Whether it’s a pickleball court or a pickle farm, lighting experts use photometric analysis to model the area and determine how light moves through it. Photometric analysis technology is visually sophisticated stuff, allowing designers to see how a set of lights would work before they’re installed. To do that, the designer builds a 3D model of the space and drops fixtures in various spots. Each light is tagged with fixture-specific information, so it emits exactly the same virtually as it would in reality.

USA Pickleball – The sports leading advocate and maintainer of pickleball standards states that the optimal court lighting solution hews to the following standards:

  • Lighting poles should be between 20 and 26 feet high.
  • Lighting poles can be square, round straight or round tapered.
  • Medium or large zone lighting, depending on whether the court is for recreational or professional purposes.
  • Luminaires are arranged so they result in minimal glare.

LED Spot’s court lighting options take these standards into account.

What Does A Pickleball Court Lighting System Include?

LED Spot has performed photometric analysis for our pickleball court clients, and based on our analysis, this is how we put together our pickleball lighting kits:

  • Four lighting poles, each 20 feet high and designed for 20-foot lighting mounts. Our lighting poles are built with 10-gauge steel and a 4-inch diameter, so they’re beefy and can take a lot of punishment. This is handy for players that get a little animated when the pickleball doesn’t fall their way.
  • Four medium zone LED lights, designed to operate at a 4000K color temperature and capable of emitting a large amount of lumens. More than 26,000, to be exact. The fixtures are mounted at a 20-foot height to take advantage of this expanded lumen output. As for the color temperature, 4000K is a neutral choice that will not affect color perception, which is important for safety reasons. For professional courts, USA Pickleball recommends 5000K fixtures, but 4000K is more appropriate for residential and recreational settings.

During installation, each pole is placed outside the play surface, well beyond the sidelines. They’re organized in a square-like formation, each covering one of the court’s quadrants. It’s exactly what you would think if you were trying to light a rectangle.

The LEDs themselves emit in an offset pattern, so they can sit away from the court while still aiming their illumination at the play area. Extra bonus – our pickleball lights do not emit at viewable angles from the court. In other words, your lights won’t blind the player and leave them exposed to getting pickled by the ball.

LED Lights Are The Best Choice For Pickleball Players Of All Levels

So far, there’s been no mention of any other type of light other than LED lighting. There’s a reason for that. LED fixtures have become the first choice for most sports lighting applications, including lighting solutions installed at the professional level.

But even if you’re just installing lights for a neighborhood court, LEDs are still the best available option. Here’s why:

  • LEDs are energy efficient – LED lighting is the most energy efficient lighting there is. That’s been LED’s calling card since it was introduced decades ago, and it’s still the case. LED lighting needs a lot less energy to generate the same number of lumens as older lighting technologies. That adds up to energy savings – savings that can be pretty significant when considering a large-scale lighting system like court lighting.
  • LEDs require practically zero maintenance – LEDs are tough. Unlike filament or gas chamber-powered lamps, LED lamps don’t run on flimsy engineering. They don’t generate a ton of extra heat, either, which reduces wear on the light.
    Put it all together and you’ve got a fixture that you don’t have to think about once it’s installed. You’ll get years of effective lighting with minimal maintenance, which is about as good as it gets for property owners.
  • LEDs produce crystal clear illumination – LED lighting just looks good, too. One of the most important factors for sports lighting is whether the fixtures generate high-clarity lighting. LEDs do just that because they emit illumination evenly and with precision. Another perk – LEDs typically come with high color rendering index (CRI) ratings. High CRI lighting renders color without altering their tones, so color accuracy if you will. Strong color rendering isn’t just good for the players, it’s helpful for any spectators tracking the action.

Does Pickleball All Day And Night Sound Good? We Have The Lights You’ll Need To Do That

Pickleball is a mass-appeal sport, attracting people of all ages and fitness levels. So it’s no surprise that there is a growing number of pickleball fanatics honing their gaming skills at all times – including in the middle of the night.

If that sounds like you or someone you know, LED Spot can help you unlock your pickleball potential with nighttime court lighting. Our court lighting products have been implemented in a variety of athletic venues, from parks to stadiums, so we know how to bring light to the pickleball arena for effective play day or night.

Landscape Lighting Kits Make It Easy To DIY Your Outdoor Lighting

Landscape Lighting Kits Make It Easy To DIY Your Outdoor Lighting

With hundreds of landscape lighting products to choose from, it’s a challenge to know where to start when designing a landscape lighting system. To keep it as simple as possible, we offer complete outdoor lighting kits.

Each kit comes with everything you’ll need to illuminate your home like a professional. You won’t need to sort through hundreds of fixtures and components to piece together your system. You won’t need to pay for professional installation. That means you can get a professional look without a professional price – and it’s all bundled together for maximum convenience.

What Items Does A Landscape Lighting Kit Come With?

Every landscape lighting kit has what you’ll need to design and install your system. Inside, you’ll find:

  • A set of luminaires. Luminaries include the lamp and associated components that distribute the light and protect the fixture. In other words, the optics and housing. Included luminaries are usually either path lights (sometimes called area lights) or bullet lights. Some kits include both, so you can get both lighting effects.
  • A low voltage transformer, responsible for stepping down line voltage so the fixtures can safely operate. Standard operating wattage for landscape lighting transformers is 100W.
  • Heavy duty cable, long enough to connect all the fixtures. This cable will be buried underground, so it should be heavy gauge.
  • Some sets of landscape lights also come with additional control components, like a photocell timer for automatic on/off switching.
  • Some outdoor lights also come with installation tools for easier placement and mounting.

Can I Install Landscape Lights Myself?

Professional landscape lighting installation may cost thousands of dollars, but if you’re willing to dedicate an afternoon to the process, it can be done yourself. Roughly, this is what the process looks like:

  1. Verify where existing buried cables are located – Before installation is complete, you’ll need to do some digging and burying, so first locate all existing underground cables. This is a critical safety step and it is important that you call 811 before beginning. While most utility lines are installed at least 18 inches below ground level, older lines may not adhere to this standard. By calling 811, each utility company will come out and flag the location of their lines so you know where not to dig.
  2. Put the fixtures together – Prior to mounting anything, you may need to put the fixtures together. This is simple stuff, like installing light bulbs and mounts to the fixtures.
  3. Mark and dig out trenches for wire runs – It’s your choice where the fixtures go, as long as you have enough length of wire. If you haven’t mapped out everything, take the time to do so and mark out the wire runs in the yard. By doing so, you’ll know if you have enough cable to work with and you’ll know where to dig when it’s time.
  4. Find a spot for the transformer and mount it – The transformer is the heart of your system. It delivers power to the low voltage lights and ensures they operate safely.
    Installing and working with the transformer is the most technically complicated part of the process, and takes a few tools to manage. You’ll likely need some pliers, a flat head screwdriver, a Philips head screwdriver and a drill (a hammer drill if you’re installing in masonry). You’ll also need some wire cutters and a wire stripping tool.
    The transformer needs at least 12 inches of space on all sides and should be placed at least 30 feet away from any water features. Most people choose to mount their transformer to the side of their house and run the cable through a PVC sleeve that runs underneath.
  5. Wire everything up – Once the transformer is mounted, you’ll need to connect each fixture’s wiring to the transformer.
    Make double sure that the transformer is not receiving power before continuing. You’ll have a chance to test the landscaping lights after everything is wired.
    Connect your transformer to the system’s main runs (the cables that will run close to each fixture). You may need to connect a 12V and 15V run separately to compensate for longer runs. The additional voltage in the 15V run helps offset losses in fixtures placed further away from the transformer.
    Once the main runs are connected, wire each fixture’s leads to the main runs. Many low voltage lighting kits come with easy-to-use connectors to facilitate this, like twist on connectors.
  6. Test and adjust the lighting – Supply power to the transformer and take a look around your property. If you’ve done everything correctly, your lights should be functioning. At this point, you can make adjustments as needed, to ensure everything is illuminated to your satisfaction.
    Once the testing and adjustments are finished, pat yourself on the back for a job well done!

Three Reasons To Consider LED Landscape Lighting Kits

Modern landscape light sets are usually powered with LED technology. There are many reasons for this, and a few standout benefits of LEDs include:

  • Brilliant, directional light quality – LEDs emit directionally, and some types of landscape fixtures take advantage of this. Bullet fixtures, for example, produce a strong beam of concentrated light (like spotlights) that can be used to illuminate trees, a garden, or interesting architectural features.
    LED light quality is strong and comparable to halogen in terms of brilliance and color rendering potential. With LEDs, you won’t lose out on visibility or display quality.
  • Excellent operating efficiency – LED’s reputation as an efficient lighting technology is well-earned. Compared to halogen, it consumes 90 percent less energy per watt. LED’s lifespan is also impressive, extending out to 50,000 hours before replacement is likely. That’s far better than all other lighting technologies, so LEDs are much more cost efficient over the long run.
  • Durability, reliability and safety – LED bulbs are extremely durable, as they don’t rely on sensitive components like filaments or gas chambers. That means they can take the occasional bump without any problems, which is handy when you’re DIYing an outdoor installation. There’s nothing more frustrating than setting up a fixture, only to find that you’ve damaged it somehow. Not a problem with LEDs.
    Also, LEDs are less likely to shatter, and if they do break, they won’t release any harmful gasses or chemicals like mercury.

LED Spot Has Landscape Lighting Kits For Every Home Or Business

LED Spot offers a variety of landscape lighting kits, along with a deep inventory of lighting fixtures, lamps and accessories. If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and show off your home in a new light, our team of lighting experts can help match your lighting needs to the best lighting kit available.

What is a Photometric Drawing?

What is a Photometric Drawing

A photometric drawing (also called a photometric lighting plan or design) is essential for any lighting design as it allows lighting professionals to visualize a system before it is installed. Photometric plans are often used in tandem with an AGi32 calculation tool for accurately predicting the photometric design. This is essential before breaking ground on a lighting project, for several reasons. The lighting industry uses photometric plans to arrange fixtures and ensure output intensity is distributed evenly.

There’s a lot of data included with every photometric study, and this data can be presented as raw numerical values or as a visual example. To generate this photometric report, lighting specialists use software such as AGi32, which is designed for the task.

How Do Lighting Designers Use Photometric Software?

Every light comes with its own photometric properties. Some lights emit directionally, while others radiate in every direction. Some lighting fixtures spread illumination further than others. This data is collated and provided to lighting professionals by the manufacturer.

During a photometric analysis, the lighting designer arranges each fixture inside the software, placing them in a rendered version of the client’s property. Fixture-specific photometric data is plugged in for each fixture and the software does the heavy number crunching. This includes taking measurements of lighting levels at every point in space.

What Does a Photometric Plan Look Like?

Photometric plans can be presented in many ways. One way is to analyze the system with nothing but numerical data. The software will compute how much light, in lumens, is present at each location. As the fixtures are changed or rearranged, the software will recompute light levels at each area. Lighting designers can study this data on its own to spot potential issues.

It’s more common, though, for lighting professionals to visualize the system using photometric software. Some professionals will produce a 3D rendering of the client’s property and simulate the distribution of light as the human eye would see it.

Photometric software can also generate wireframes or heat maps to detect areas that are receiving too much illumination and spaces that are too dark.

When is a Photometric Lighting Design Needed?

In most cases, property owners are not required to get a photometric analysis before starting a commercial lighting project, but it’s strongly recommended for several reasons, including:

  • Commercial lighting systems must meet lighting safety codes – Commercial properties must maintain a minimum lighting threshold if they operate during evening or nighttime hours. Failure to do so could expose the property owner to legal action if an injury occurs due to poor lighting. Photometric analysis ensures your property meets those lighting codes without anything left up to chance.
  • They also have to follow light pollution regulations – On your property, you’ll want to optimize your system’s output. Off your property, you’ll be required to minimize any lighting trespass or pollution. In other words, keep the light you produce on your property. There are additional lighting codes that require this and violating those codes can result in hefty fines.
  • You’ll get maximum return on your investment with a photometric plan – Ideally, your lighting system will provide all the illumination you need with as few fixtures as possible. Too many fixtures are a waste and too much light is both uncomfortable and wasteful.
    Photometric plans allow designers to experiment with a variety of system layouts and fixture options. The goal is to find the best combination of layout and lamp to meet all project requirements. This degree of optimization is impossible without photometric software.

What Information Can a Photometric Analysis Provide?

A photometric analysis can answer a lot of questions about your lighting system’s projected performance. For instance, a photometric analysis can provide insight into the following:

  • The angle and distance of light emission – Using manufacturer data, typically IES files, photometric software can measure the angle each fixture is emitting at, and how far that light is reaching. This is critical for determining if light pollution is a problem.
  • The amount of light at every spot – Lighting intensity, as detected by the human eye, is measured in lumens. Photometric software prefers lumens when calculating how much light is reaching every part of the environment.
    That means photometric software can visualize how intense the light will be perceived at every point. This ensures the system meets all visibility, safety, and security requirements. It also helps designers spot overly intense or underlit areas.
  • Footcandle levels – Some projects require minimal footcandle levels, and a proper design plan is essential for determining the ideal footcandle calculation. This ensures the area is evenly lit with the proper intensity.
  • The ideal system layout – The goal of most commercial lighting systems is to produce enough illumination and even illumination. Photometric software makes it easy for designers to achieve both. The software responds to changes in fixture arrangement, so the designer can play around with fixture positioning to create an optimal system layout.
  • Which fixtures will work best – Photometric analysis can be used with nearly every type of lamp in existence, as long as there is data on it. The designer can cycle through all of the available luminaires and pick one that provides the best performance and appearance.

With all of these factors accounted for, construction on your lighting project can begin with a clear plan in place. This will save your build teams some valuable time, which saves you money.

Photometric drawings are vital for ensuring lighting plans will provide the intended illumination. They are useful for exterior lighting systems, including solutions for parking lots, commercial campuses and parks. Be sure the company you work with will follow strict lighting codes and has extensive experience with photometric analysis to provide a clear picture of how your new lighting solution will look long before it becomes reality. At LED Spot, our basic photometric plans begin at a modest cost of $250, which is an affordable way to ensure your lighting project performs as intended.

Golf After Sunset With Backyard Putting Green Lights

Golf After Sunset With Backyard Putting Green Lights

You’ve spent good money and plenty of time crafting the perfect backyard putting green, but can you use it once the sun goes down? If the answer isn’t yes, it’s time to consider backyard putting green lights. A putting green light provides crisp, inviting illumination for you, your friends and your guests to play by. There’s no better way to entertain on those warm summer nights.

Three Ways To Light Up Your Backyard Putting Green

You have a few options when lighting your backyard putting green. The design that will work best for your space mostly comes down to personal preference and aesthetics.

The most popular outdoor putting green lighting solutions include:

LED Down Lighting and Landscape Lighting

Down lighting and general landscape lighting can brighten up an entire backyard – not just your putting green. Down lights are called such because they emit downwards, so they can be installed along the perimeter of your home or even placed in a tree. With additional height to work with, a down fixture can emit across a larger area and provide maximum visibility.

Landscape lighting can also provide an impressive level of general illumination and can be integrated into your yard’s most impressive landscape features. Wherever you place them, LED landscape lights will bring out your backyard’s beauty, making your nighttime golfing a peaceful experience for everyone. With landscape lighting fixtures you can illuminate adjoining gardens, a patio, an outdoor kitchen, a fire pit, a bar top, or even a pool deck.

If younger family members frequently use the putting green, down and landscape lighting are ideal for additional safety (and for finding any golf balls that are hit off the green).

LED Path Lights

If you’d prefer to contain your outdoor lights to the green, LED path lights are an effective option. Each path light is mounted only a couple feet off the ground and emits a tight pool of illumination directly onto the green.

Path lighting isn’t intended for general illumination purposes and isn’t going to light up an entire yard. However, what it will do is produce plenty of attractive illumination for your putting green. This lighting washes over a smaller area, produces minimal shadows and is easier to control. The effect is clean and modern.

Even better, path lighting products come in a variety of designs, so you can match the perfect fixture aesthetic to your yard. Some even have a built-in holder for a drink or golf ball.

LED Cup Lighting

If you’re looking for a truly minimalist lighting solution, LED cup fixtures provide a look you won’t find anywhere else. With an LED cup fixture the lamp is installed directly below the hole and aimed up. The effect is a vertical column of illumination that fires into the air.

Cup fixtures can be fitted with one of several colored lenses, so you can customize your light’s appearance. The effect is one of high contrast, as each cup is brightly illuminated against its darker surroundings. Pair your cup lights with a transparent flag, and it’ll be even easier to see the cup from a distance.

Every cup fixture consists of a low-voltage LED lamp (4 or 6-watt), a high-impact convex glass lens, a GU5.3 bi-pin socket, a PVC sleeve for mounting and an unfinished brass housing. These components work together to ensure your cup lighting system is protected from water and weather, while still emitting excellent quality illumination.

Four Reasons Why Golfers Choose LED Outdoor Lighting For Their Backyard Putting Greens

LED lighting is rapidly outclassing and replacing older forms of lighting, such as halogen, fluorescent and high-intensity discharge lamps. As a result, you’ll see LED fixtures everywhere these days. Whether inside a bedside lamp or blanketing a massive parking lot, there are several reasons why LED lighting is the first choice for many applications, including putting green applications.

Four of those reasons include:

  1. Excellent operating efficiency – No other form of lighting is as efficient as LEDs. Compared to halogen, LED lighting is more than 10 times as efficient. Compared to fluorescent, LED lighting is about twice as efficient. Those are big energy savings that mean a lower operating cost. Though LED lighting comes with a slightly higher price, LEDs make up for this with their enhanced efficiency.
  2. Extended lifespan – In addition to their efficiency, LED fixtures last much longer than other lighting technologies before replacement is required. The typical LED lamp will perform for 50,000 hours before failure is likely. Compare this to halogen (2,000 hours) and fluorescent (10,000 hours), and it’s clear that LED has a big maintenance advantage.
  3. Superior lighting quality – LED lighting quality is excellent, capable of rendering color well and evenly emitting light. Due to the way they’re engineered, LED fixtures emit directionally as well. You can aim them exactly where they’re needed and suffer no efficiency losses.
  4. Better safety – LED fixtures are shatterproof, produce little radiant heat and contain no toxic substances like mercury. That makes them a safe option for residential and outdoor settings.

LED Spot Has Everything You Need To Keep The Game Going At Night

LED Spot has helped avid golfers of every skill level set up their backyard putting green lighting. We have the LED fixtures, bulbs and accessories to start your project, along with expert advice and skill to help see the project to completion. If you’re looking to order lighting for your outdoor putting green or just want to explore your options, give the LED Spot team a call and we’ll make your golf lighting project a reality.

Ultimate Guide To Finding The Best Landscape Lighting

Ultimate Guide To Finding The Best Landscape Lighting

With all of the time and effort we spend making the interior of our homes and businesses as attractive and functional as possible with high-quality lighting products, why do we so often forget to do the same for the exterior? The truth is there’s no point in investing in the natural beauty of our yards and exterior spaces without the proper landscape lighting to tie it all together.

Here, we’ll go over the importance of landscape and outdoor lighting, types of outdoor lights, and where to purchase the best landscaping lighting.

What is Landscape Lighting?

Just like interior lighting, landscape lighting is a way for home and business owners to accent, highlight, and feature certain aspects of their outdoor space. Whether used to illuminate hidden details in the garden or help guide visitors along a pathway, landscaping lighting can provide everything from aesthetic beauty to dramatic effects to functional visibility at night.

Types of Landscape Lighting

Whether you look at your local hardware store or search online for unique options, there are many types to choose from when looking for landscape lighting. Each kind of outdoor light has its pros and cons. Generally, low voltage lighting is the most popular choice, as it is safer for homes and businesses. There are many varieties of safe landscape lighting to choose from. In order to choose the best type of light for your needs you’ll need to first understand the different kinds of lights available. Some of the most common types of landscape lighting include:

  • Traditional Landscape Lights – Using traditional light bulbs, this type of landscape lighting provides a warm glow that can be used on the ground to highlight features in the yard or in foliage like bushes or trees.
  • Integrated Landscape LED Lights – Using built-in high-quality LED modules offers better performance and reduces the need for constantly changing burned out bulbs.
  • Solar Powered Landscape Lights – Solar-powered lights allow for optimal flexibility in placing landscape lighting, as the sunlight charges the light, rendering a nearby plug unnecessary.

LED Spot offers a wide variety of the above landscape lighting types available for shipping. Whether you’re looking for copper, brass, gold, black, or other colors, our wide range of landscape lighting products in various LED types and sizes are sure to perfectly accentuate your outdoor space.

Unique Landscape Lighting Techniques

Landscape lights are not as effective without the right placement and design techniques. Choosing which light is best for your needs is just the beginning. Once you’ve selected a product you need to determine how the lighting will be arranged to optimize the look of your landscaping. Examples of types of popular outdoor lighting products and the best ways to use them include:

  • Path lights – These lights can be used to illuminate walkways, driveways and other locations that may be precarious in the dark.
  • Well lights – These kinds of lights are typically recessed into the ground and can be used to highlight plants or architecture from below.
  • Bollard lights – Available in various design styles, these usually come in either a round or square shape, 36” – 42” in height. They mount to the ground and are used to illuminate plants and pathways.
  • LED strip lights – These light fixtures are great for signage, as well as lighting walls from the top or bottom of your home or building.
  • Hanging light fixtures and wall sconces – Whether hung from a tree or placed on walls these lights can bring the eye up to fully take in the entire ambiance of your landscaping experience.
  • Ceiling fans with lights – On outdoor patios and gazebos ceiling fans can help keep outdoor spaces cool while also illuminating gathering spots.

By utilizing a variety of lighting options at varying heights and of various styles, you can create intricate light solutions in your outdoor space. Choose lights that compliment your outdoor space’s design style. If you’re into more modern designs choose sleek, streamlined lights. Whereas if you like more traditional lighting you can opt for more ornate fixtures. Choose colors that compliment your theme and be sure the landscape lighting products you choose are durable and weather resistant. There’s no point in investing in outdoor lighting that won’t last throughout the years. Lastly, choose a lighting provider that is known for selling quality products.

Choosing the Right Provider for Landscape Lighting

The world of landscape lighting is vast, encompassing all kinds of lighting types, bulbs, and design styles. With so many different types of landscape lighting products available, where does one even begin?

Since 1985, LED Spot has been providing the best residential and commercial lighting solutions to customers throughout the U.S. and beyond. Our more than 30 years of experience in the lighting industry has given us keen insight into the best and most high-quality lighting products available. We work with more than 20 manufacturers, allowing us to offer the latest in lighting technology to everyone from the DIY homeowner to professional contractors.

In an industry that is constantly changing, LED Spot maintains its reputation as one of the leading sustainable lighting solution providers. Ready to begin your landscape lighting project? Check out our extensive line of landscape lighting products and turn your vision into reality.