Turn Key Commercial Lighting Projects Are What We Do!

Starting up a business in a new space comes with many obstacles. One of the most challenging obstacles is finding the right lighting for the building, whether it’s in the parking lot, or in the store. This is a problem that Pearl Snaps, a western wear store, discovered when they started business in 2012.

Decorative Light Poles Along A Walkway

Without the right illumination, the brand’s clothing would be poorly presented. Improper color temperatures will render color poorly, which can be particularly problematic for a store that sells and showcases clothing. Lighting that’s too dim or bright can actually distract customers and result in lower sales for the store. Pearl Snaps, wanting to avoid these problems, commissioned Led Spot to install lighting fixtures that were best suited to the space and the products.

Led Spot worked with owner of Pearl Snaps for six months to help produce the best lighting fixtures for the company. This relationship enabled the owner to focus on other parts of the business such as sales and customer service. Because Led Spot works with the contractor to coordinate selection, delivery and installation, the business owner is free to take care of business. In short, this means that Led Spot can see the lighting process from start to finish, with minimal effort from the client. Gooseneck Sign Lights

A company that commissions Led Spot will stand to benefit in many ways. One of the most important parts of the lighting process is photometric analysis, and this can help a business set up the perfect illumination for its space. Photometry is an area of optic science concerned with measuring light in relation to its brightness to the human eye. It is unlike radiometry, which is concerned with measuring light in terms of total lighting power. The human eye calculates light perception using more than just total power, so photometrics is the superior approach when setting up lighting solutions for consumers.
In photometrics, reference scales are built in relation to how a person responds to light. This means that it is possible to measure a fixture’s perceived intensity using some standard measuring devices.

These devices, known as photodetectors, help Led Spot determine where the fixtures are producing the most luminous efficacy (perceived light versus how much power it costs) and which areas need more illumination. Many things have to be taken into account to produce the perfect amount of luminous efficacy, including the fixture technology, the angle of illumination, how much power is fed to the device and how the fixture is built.

Led Spot offers a number of fixtures and lighting solutions, many of which are extremely energy efficient. For interior spaces, LED and high discharge lamps can produce an impressive amount of illumination while using little energy. Inside Pearl Snaps, the flooring, walls and exposed ductwork all create high reflectivity. By utilizing this reflectivity, Led Spot was able to produce a high level of illumination without wasting power. In the end, this means lower energy bills and a more attractive look, for Pearl Snaps, and for any company that partners with Led Spot for their lighting needs.